
  • Emiliani Nindy Diana Sim Universitas Kapuas



The preservation; Culture; Local; Pekan; Gawai; Dayak


The development of the global world has indirectly shifted the meaning of local culture within
societies. With the introduction of a more modern system of work and thinking, the traditional life system
of society has changed. Even though people's lifestyles are becoming more modern, it doesn't mean that the
traditional local culture is not preserved and just abandoned. This study was conducted with the aim of
understanding the preservation of local culture through Pekan Gawai Dayak in Sintang District. The
research approach used in this study is qualitative descriptive method with literacy study. Through literacy
studies, researchers gather relevant information from various sources, such as journals, news portals and
social media. The results of the study found that, the Government of the District of Sintang along with the
Adelantary Council of Dayak district Sintang carried out a cultural celebration of Pekan Gawai Dayak as
one of the efforts to preserve the local culture. In its implementation, Pekan Gawai Dayak presented various
local cultural activities of the Dayak community in Sintang district. The effort to preserve the local culture
is not an impossible thing to do, because the enthusiasm of the community is always high every Pekan
Gawai Dayak carried out. Therefore, it is necessary to innovate and refine the location of the activities in
order to encourage the participation of the public as participants and beneficiaries of the cultural
celebrations by the Sintang District Government


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