
  • Nikodimus - Universitas Kapuas, Indonesia



Implementation; Policy; Village Tourism


This research aims to examine the implementation of village tourism policies in Ensaid Panjang
Village, Sintang Regency, West Kalimantan, with a focus on the challenges and opportunities faced. A
qualitative approach was used in this research, which involved literature study, in-depth interviews with
stakeholders, and participant observation in the field. The research results identified several main
challenges, including limited infrastructure such as road access and basic facilities, limited skilled human
resources in the tourism sector, and inadequate funding for village tourism development. The proposed
development strategy includes improving basic infrastructure, providing tourism training and education
for local communities, developing tourism packages that highlight cultural and natural riches, increasing
promotion through digital media, and increasing community participation in tourism management. It is
hoped that the implementation of these strategies can encourage sustainable tourism development in Ensaid
Panjang Village, providing equitable economic, social and environmental benefits for the entire
community. The research conclusion emphasizes the importance of collaboration between government, local
communities, academics and tourism industry players to achieve inclusive and sustainable tourism
development goals


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