
  • A.M Yadisar Universitas Kapuas, Indonesia



Community Participation; Quality; Service.


This study examines community participation in improving the quality of services to the community. Using a qualitative analysis method approach, data was collected through interviews, focus group discussions, and document analysis. The findings show that active community involvement actively improves service quality through increased transparency, accountability and responsiveness. Key themes found include positive experiences of community engagement, challenges such as low community awareness and limited resources, and the important role of technology and inclusive mechanisms in facilitating participation. The analysis showed a positive relationship between community participation and service quality. This study concludes that, despite challenges, effective community participation can be optimized through public education, the use of technology, inclusive participation mechanisms, and strengthening the policy framework. Suggestions include improving public literacy, utilizing information technology, and partnering with civil society organizations to achieve more effective and efficient public service delivery.


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