The Journal of English Language and Pedagogy (JELPA) processes submitted articles for publication within a timeframe ranging from one to two months. All submitted papers must not have been previously published or submitted to the other journal. Below is the process:

  1. Submission of Articles
  • Authors upload their articles.
  • The editor receives the articles for evaluation.


  1. Initial Check by the Editor
  • The editor conducts an initial check on the articles to ensure alignment with the journal's scope and to check for plagiarism.
  • Articles that pass the initial check proceed to the next stage, while those that do not pass are rejected.


  1. Assignment of Section Editor
  • The editor assigns a section editor to manage the articles and forward them to reviewers.


  1. Review Process by Reviewers
  • The section editor assigns two reviewers to review the articles.
  • Reviewers are given two weeks to review the articles and provide evaluations and recommendations.
  • Articles that receive positive reviews from both reviewers proceed to the next stage.


  1. Decision by Section Editor
  • The section editor receives the review results and recommendations from the reviewers.
  • The section editor has full authority to determine whether the articles are suitable for publication based on the review results and recommendations.


  1. Notification to Authors
  • Articles that have been reviewed and received decisions from the section editor are notified to the authors.
  • Authors are requested to revise the articles according to the feedback and suggestions provided by the reviewers.


  1. Submission of Revised Articles
  • Authors upload the revised articles to the OJS.


  1. Review of Revisions by the Editor
  • The section editor conducts a review of the revisions made by the authors.


  1. Additional Review (If Necessary)
  • If additional revisions are necessary, the section editor will conduct another review round, starting from step 4.


  1. Production Process
  • Articles that have been accepted by the section editor are then processed for copyediting and production.
  • The section editor stops at this stage; this process will be carried out by the editor who assigns copyeditor and proof-reader.
    • Copyediting Process: The copyeditor will adjust the article template and conduct plagiarism checks. If the plagiarism exceeds 25%, the article will be returned to the author for revision.
    • Proofreading Process: The proof-reader will adjust the writing errors and grammar mistakes.


  1. Article Publication
  • Articles that have passed the production stage are officially published in the academic journal.
  • The publication process is carried out by the editor.