Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): MAY

Published: 2023-05-31

We take immense pride in showcasing our finest paper authored by a group of esteemed researchers. These researchers hail from diverse affiliations across Indonesia, including Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana, Cita Hati International School, Widya Kartika University Surabaya, and Universitas Kapuas.
We invite authors to publish the papers in the Journal of English Language and Pedagogy (JELPA). Please submit articles using the latest template provided and contact us through the contact support menu if a problem occurs.


Exploring challenges in learning grammar during Covid-19 era
295 325 Page 1-11
Metaphors in selected Blackpink’s song lyrics
688 681 Page 22-35
Error analysis in social media caption: a study on Instagram
560 833 Page 36-44